Black River Observatory
Solar System
SkyCam Images
My SkyCam is an SXV-H9 astronomical camera mated to a wide angle lens to take continuous, widefield, long expose images of the sky. The camera is mounted to the outside wall of my observatory in a custom built, weather proof enclosure. I run it every clear night. It takes 40 second exposures, one after another, all night long. It's common in winter to collect 1000+ picture per night. I scoll through them over coffee each morning and tag the "good ones".
SkyCam FOV Explained |
Consellations |
Milkyway and M-31 |
Composite Of 20 Exposures @ 30 Seconds Each |
Milkyway |
Fireball 11-04-08 |
Fireball Trail 11-04-08 |
Fireball 03-15-10 |
Fireball 07-10-10 |
Fireball 09-07-10 |
Fireball 07-24-11 |
Fireball 08-15-10 |
Fireball 10-04-11 |
Fireball 08-24-09 |
Fireball 08-11-11 |
Fireball 04-14-10 |
Fireball 08-12-10 |
Fireball 10-21-09 |
Fireball 08-12-10 |
Fireball 08-18-10 |
Fireball 03-08-10 |
Fireball 08-28-11 |
Fireball 11-17-09 |
Fireball 10-08-11 |
Plane Low |
Plane Through Clouds |
Plane Low Bright |
Plane Low Bright |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |
Aurora 10-24-11 |

I originally built the SkyCam to capture very large meteors (AKA Fireballs). It's done a fine job of that, but it has also revealed lingering smoke trails from these fireballs that can last up to 45 minutes. The SkyCam has also captured thousands of satellites, airplanes, cool night time cloud patterns, lightning, aurora, etc.
Below the image gallery are some links to short, high resolution vids you might want to look at.
See the Equipment page for construction details.
SkyCam vid links coming soon!